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8:36 p.m. - Monday, Aug. 08, 2011
Alex was never as at ease as when he played his games . . .
So either he's acutely insightful or I'm manipulating what he's saying to feed some twisted fantasy.

Do I play games? Has this whole thing been a game?

Victim becomes abuser.

Even predatory.

I seek out my prey, force them to care about me, and then sit back and enjoy the power.

And it's always a Gemini. That's not even intentional. That's just cosmic.

I need to feel bad to feel good. Didn't think in a million years I would ever be back here again.

I watched the movie, watched the rain, watched the movie. Then the rain stopped. And the movie stopped. So I put my sneakers on.

And ran until it hurt. It hurt.

So now I can relax. I can feel good today.

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